Thursday, June 12, 2008

Being Organized

There are a few basics that should be followed when planning any event.

1.  Create a budget.

2.  Choose a date and time.

3.  Decide on the number of invitees/attendees.

4.  Confirm a venue.

5.  Plan activities and/or agenda.

6.  Research and hire entertainment.

7.  Select menu items.

8.  Consider and plan decor.

9.  Secure transportation and accommodations if required.

10.  Order invitations and mail.

11.  Wait for the big day and enjoy the moment!

12.  But!  To avoid unnecessary screw-ups, hassles, stress, mistakes, overpayments, tense personalities, confusion, uncertainty, and us at!  We will remove all doubt that your event will be successful and go off with a BANG!  All you have to do is leave the planning and organizing up to us and you can follow tip #11.

Enjoy your day!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Why do you need an event planner?

In todays economy, you have to make more to save more. What is the best way to do this? Start by taking a serious look at the productivity within your office. Is your Administrative staff being utilized in the best way possible? Has your Project Manager started showing signs of discontent or irritability? Are your top employees exhibiting various stages of fizzling out?

These questions are meant to make you think about whether you have a need for a meeting/event planner. Stop assigning members of your team to do research, make phone calls, or schedule vendors for events. This can be time consuming and you are more than likely to miss an opportunity of getting the best price for your money. Executive Events has the resources and the pull to negotiate the best deals in the area.

When your staff is out of sync, we can plan team building activities that pull them together even stronger than before.

Visit our website at to see more on how we can help make your company more cohesive and productive before the end of the year.


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What to look for in an Event Planning Firm...

Planning is the key to successful events. Your first step is selecting the right event planning firm.

  • Commitment.
    Your Event Planning firm should be dedicated to you and committed to your success. From the very beginning of the planning process until long after your event has ended, Executive Events is available to answer questions and offer guidance. We go the extra mile to make sure that you and your team are happy every step of the way.
  • Flexibility.
    Your Event Planning firm should work with you on your terms. Executive Events will come out to meet with you at your convenience, and we are extremely adept at working with you virtually — by phone, fax and e-mail — when face-to-face meetings are not possible.
  • Experience.
    Your Event Planning firm should be experienced. With a combined 20 years of experience planning and arranging events of all types, Executive Events has encountered and solved just about any problem Murphy's Law might throw our way. With that experience, we have a vast array of resources we can tap for your event, and we have excellent long-standing relationships with area vendors.
  • Efficiency.
    Your Event Planning firm should know that time is money — and should act accordingly. Executive Events keeps your project under budget by vigilently adhering to our strict set of standards and obligations and by maintaining open lines of communication with all parties at all times. At the very first sign that your event could go over budget, we meet with you to reassess goals, priorities and strategies. And you can count on our experience to guide you if trade-offs ever need to be considered — we'll make your event a resounding success.